Account & Membership

I forgot my password.

To reset your password, you’ll need access to the email associated with your TMG Studios account


Click the “Forgot Password” link under the green “Login” button. This will redirect you to another page to input your account’s associated email. Check your email inbox. Your inbox will include a message with instructions on how to reset your password.


If you’ve forgotten or need to change the email associated with your account please reach out to support here: contact@support.tmgstudios.tv

Who is my profile picture and username visible to and how can I change it?

Your profile picture and name are a way to identify yourself on tmgstudios.tv and in the TMG Studios community. It appears when you interact in the Feed through a like or comment. 

When you sign up, your profile picture defaults to the first letter of your username you signed up with. You can customize your profile by pressing on your profile picture in the top right corner (desktop), or bottom left inside of the menu (mobile). 


*Please also keep in mind our Community Guidelines when choosing your name and profile picture

How do I cancel my membership?

If you originally became a member using the website, visit the Billing tab, and click on Cancel;

If you are using the mobile app, open the TMG app, click on the ☰ menu in the top left corner, then on your profile at the bottom, choose the Billing tab, and click on Change or cancel. This will open an AppStore/GooglePlay view where you can cancel your membership.

Once the cancellation is confirmed, you’ll keep the access until the end of your billing period.

Can I get my membership refunded?

Because a membership purchase immediately grants you access to the library of content and all perks, it can only be canceled, not refunded. However, the support team might be able to help in case of special circumstances if you contact us at contact@support.tmgstudios.tv within 7 days of the transaction appearing on your statement. 

How do I completely delete my membership account?

First, please make sure to cancel your subscription. Once your subscription is canceled, send us an account removal request at contact@support.tmgstudios.tv  using the email address attached to your account.

Rules and Policies

Community Guidelines

We are so psyched to have you be a part of our TMG community! Please just remember to follow these rules:

1. Be kind, courteous, and civil.

2. No harassment (hate speech, threats, personal attacks, etc.) 

3. No promotions or spam

*Note: You may be banned for any reason; these rules are guidelines and not all-encompassing

General information on not sharing personal information

TMG Studios and its employees will never solicit any personal information or passwords from you. Be sure to keep your personal information private and not share it with other users. If you receive a fake or suspicious email impersonating TMG Studios or its employees these may be spam or phishing websites, delete this email immediately.

Navigating TMGstudios.tv

Where can I stream episodes of TMG Studios shows?

Episodes of TMG Studios shows can be found on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, YouTube, and our website, with Ad-Free and Bonus Episodes being uploaded to our website and members-only RSS Podcast feeds. Through Apple Podcasts you can manually input the members-only RSS Feed, found in the “Perks” section, to get Ad-Free and Bonus Audio Episodes on Apple Podcasts. Currently Spotify does not support manually adding RSS feeds.

How do I set up my Premium RSS Feed

We offer RSS Feeds for all of our shows. To set yours up, click the “Members only” tab at the top and on the drop down menu click “Perks”. Once on the “Perks” page you will see links to all the RSS Feeds your membership tier is subscribed to. This article is a great resource on how to manually set up the RSS Feed on both desktop and mobile for the platform of your choice.

Join Our Communities!

Talk with other listeners about the shows you love, and maybe even with the Hosts! 


Obsessed with Obsessed? Join the Geneva Here

Want more Zach and Wahlid? Join the ZAWS Discord Here!

And For everything TMG Studios, Join the Members-Only Discord Here!

What are Members-only posts?

The Members-Only Feed can be accessed by going to tmgstudios.tv and choosing “Feed” from the “Members Only” menu tab. Alternatively, if you are logged in, you can go to tmgstudios.tv/supporters

How do I change my Email notifications settings?

By becoming a member you are automatically subscribed to email updates for new feed posts, if you’d like to unsubscribe from these you can do so by clicking “Unsubscribe” at the bottom of any of the emails you’ve received.

What is the “Transcript search” and how do I use it?

Thinking of a line or topic from one of our shows but can’t remember the episode number? Click the “Transcript Search” on the top right of your screen and search the phrase or quote! This will return every episode from every show across the Studio containing those word(s) with a link to the specific timecode when those words were said.


The Transcript search function is just an easy, fun, and fast way to comb through all of TMG Studios’ content to find the specific episode you are looking for.

What is the difference between the “Shows”, “Videos”, and “Feed” and tabs?

Note that all Tabs will only display content available to your current membership level, to learn more about Membership Tiers, click here.

The “Shows” tab

allows you to filter episodes by each show we offer, displaying all Main and Bonus Episodes, allowing you to filter by Newest to Oldest, or Oldest to Newest.

The “Videos” tab

allows you to explore the video-versions of podcasts. You can jump right back into your recently watched through the “Continue Playing” category, surf the most recent episodes in the “Recent Videos” category, or view each show in its own category. Switching the page display from “Featured” to “All Videos” will show all the shows’ video episodes in chronological order, also allowing you to use Publish Date Filters, sort by Newest to Oldest (default), or Oldest to Newest.

The “Feed” Tab 

displays the Video and Audio Episodes and their comments! This page allows you to filter the Feed’s content by Post Type, Publish Date Range, and Tags. It also includes a search bar and tabs to filter by show. You can also find the audio versions of episodes on your Podcast Platform of choice.

Orders and Contacting Us

Have a question we didn’t answer or still need further assistance?

-For site or membership support contact: contact@support.tmgstudios.tv 

Or call us at  1-833-484-9255

-For merch support contact:  tmgstudios@stockedmerch.com